понедельник, 3 октября 2011 г.

Are there hormones in Fosomax or Boniva?

Fosomax does not have hormones. It has bisphospshonate. Boniva has
Calcitonin, or Miacalcin

 Calcitonin or miacalcin, is a hormone that helps your body use calcium. It also seems to reduce bone loss and prevent spine fractures. It is taken as a nasal spray so it is easy to use. It has almost no side effects, but is considered less effective than HRT (hormone replacement therapy) or Fosamax.

 The drug, alendronate sold under the brand name Fosamax, can prevent and treat osteoporosis . Both major female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, can be given at any age to strengthen bones with the combination far more effective than just estrogen . Adding bisphopshonate pills, such as alendronate and pamindronate, and a hormone nasal spray called calcitonin, strengthen bones even more . Exciting new research takes advantage of the observation that male hormones strengthen bones more than female hormones do. A readily available male-female hormone combination pill called Estratest strengthens bones in women. So does an anabolic male hormone called nandrolone . Diuretics also strengthen bones so they can be used to treat women who have both high blood pressure and osteoporosis

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